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UNISTONE tile adhesive

UniStone tile adhesives are manufactured under technical collaboration with WACKER POLYMERS Germany. WACKER is one of the world’s largest and pioneer companies in the field of polymers. WACKER POLYMERS provides full technical support and product testing facilities in their state of the art laboratory in Mumbai to our company, ensuring our products meet the highest International Standards.


What are Tile Adhesives?

Tile adhesives consist of a cement-sand mixture to which special polymers & additives are added to impart the desired properties of high bond strength, flexibility & water retention to ensure permanent tile fixing in difficult situations.


Ordinary tile adhesives without polymer binders: These do not comply with EN 12004 standards, and have low bond strength & poor durability. they can only be used for small, porous clay tiles on porous mineral substrates.
Simple tile adhesives containing a low quantity of polymer binders: These show improved adhesion & correspond generally to class C1 adhesives defined in EN 12004, having tensile adhesion strength >0.5N/mm². They are used for small to medium, porous clay tiles on porous substrates.
Flexible high-quality tile adhesives containing a medium quantity of polymer binders: They correspond to the standards of class C2 adhesives defined in EN 12004, having tensile adhesion strength > 1.0N/mm². They are used for large, non-porous vitrified tiles on nonporous substrates in interior applications. Unistone Vitro corresponds to the technical standards of class C2 tile adhesives.
Highly flexible tile adhesives containing a high quantity of polymer binders: They have very good adhesion to all kinds of substrates, higher flexibility and long-term durability. They exceed the standard of class C2 adhesives defined in EN 12004, having tensile adhesion strength of approximately 3.0N/mm². Unistone Ultimate/Polyfix fall in this category of tile adhesives. They are specially designed to fix all kinds of tiles on exterior facades, tiles in swimming pools, and tiles on difficult substrates.

Why use UniStone tile adhesives rather than cement-sand mortar?

In certain demanding situations, cement-sand mortar does not provide adequate bonding. Examples are external cladding, swimming pools, tiles on wood or other less porous substrates, vitrified tiles, and and glass mosaics. To meet the demands posed by this combination of background and materials, Unistone adhesives can be used to ensure total success in terms of technical performance.

What are the benefits of UniStone tile adhesives when compared to cement-sand mortar?

Unistone adhesives have a bond strength of 3-4 times of cement-sand mortar. For tiles with low porosity like vitrified tiles and glass mosaics, cement mortar achieves minimal bonding. For surfaces like wood & board, again cement mortar is not suitable. The bond obtained with unistone adhesives is durable over time, unlike cement-mortar.

Cement-sand mortar is not flexible. Any movement of the tile surface/substrate caused physically, thermally or through moisture will not be accommodated by cement mortar. Unistone Tile Adhesives are formulated to allow for movement.

Using Unistone Tile Adhesives, tiles can be fixed from top to bottom, tile position can be adjusted, curing is not required, tiles are fixed dry, soaking is not required and the adhesive has good ‘grab’ and non-slip properties. All these properties make them easy to use and achieve better aesthetics in tiles.

How can one ensure permanent fixing in exterior cladding?
Exteriors are subject to thermal expansion & contraction, strong sunlight & rain. Unistone Ultimate tile adhesive/ Unistone Polyfix liquid polymer tile adhesive provides high flexibility with superior bond strength for fixing tiles in exteriors. However, the base plaster should be perfect to ensure that it does not give way. The adhesive ensures that tiles will not separate from the base plaster, but if the base plaster is itself weak, the purpose is defeated. Unistone Ultimate/Polyfix tile adhesive with sound base plaster can ensure perfect bonding in external tile facades.

How to prepare a sound base plaster?
It is recommended to use cement, and coarse sand mixed in the ratio of 1:3. The plaster should be cured properly. It takes 3 weeks for the plaster to mature & gain optimum strength. Therefore tile fixing should start only after three weeks. The practice of using a weak cement-sand mix and application of tiles soon after to save scaffolding costs is bound to meet failure.

What about swimming pools?
This again being a more demanding situation, it is advisable to use Unistone Ultimate / Polyfix tile adhesive.

And vitrified floor tiles in Interiors?
Vitrified tiles have very low porosity (water absorption<0.1%). Thus they do not bond well with cement-sand mortar. For this application, we have Unistone Vitro tile adhesive which is more economical than Unistone Ultimate/Polyfix. Unistone

tile adhesiveS


Unistone Ultimate tile adhesive is a high-performance single-component adhesive specially formulated for exterior tiling applications, where high-strength bonding is required, due to adverse & extreme climate conditions. It is dry-mix-ready for use with the addition of water at the site.

Unistone Ultimate tile adhesive is used to fix ceramic, marble & natural stone on concrete & cement plaster surfaces in exteriors, facades & swimming pools.


  1. High bond strength.
  2. Excellent flexibility.
  3. Durability of adhesion bond over time.
  4. Long open time.
  5. Non-slip property.
  6. Easy to use & apply.

Ensure that the surface is structurally sound, stable & rigid enough to support the ceramic tiles to be fixed on it.
Use conventional mechanical clamping arrangements for external wall cladding applications.
In the case of swimming pools, wait for 2 weeks after fixing the tiles, before filling them with water.

Depends upon the nature of the surface & thickness of the adhesive-mortar bed. Coverage is 2.8-3.0 sq. ft./kg when applied with a notched trowel in thickness of 3mm.

In 5 kg & 20 kg bags.

Store in a cool, dry place.


Unistone Vitro tile adhesive is a superior quality single-component adhesive used in interior tiling applications. It is dry-mix-ready for use with the addition of water at the site.

Unistone Vitro tile adhesive is used to fix non-porous vitrified tiles in interiors, on both walls & floors.

High bond strength plus flexibility.
Has non-slip properties.
No curing is required.
Easy, fast & economical to use.

Depends upon the nature of the surface & thickness of the adhesive-mortar bed. When applied with a notched trowel in thickness of 3 mm, coverage is 2.5-3.0 sq. ft./kg.
PS.: for tiles of size 1′ X1′ and above, the coverage is 0.5-1.0 sq. ft./kg. due to the higher density & greater thickness of the adhesive-mortar bed.

In 5 kg & 20 kg bags.

Store in a cold, dry place.


Unistone Polyfix liquid polymer tile adhesive is added to cement-sand mortar to prepare tile adhesive at the site itself. It imparts the desirable & necessary properties of high bond strength, flexibility non-slip, long open time & ease of use to the cement-sand mortar. Unistone Polyfix is the liquid tile adhesive equivalent of Unistone Ultimate powder adhesive.

The tile adhesive prepared at the site is used for fixing porous clay tiles, non-porous vitrified tiles, marble and stone in both interiors & exteriors. It is more economical than Unistone Ultimate tile adhesive and it uses readily available materials, cement and silica sand at the site.

Tile adhesive prepared has high-performance characteristics.
Uses readily available materials at the site to prepare the tile adhesive.
Economical in cost.

1 part of Unistone polyfix liquid polymer adhesive is added to 3 parts of neat cement or it is added to 3 parts of 1:1 mixture of cement & sand mortar. Coverage of Unistone Polyfix tile adhesive is 10-12 sq. ft./kg when applied with a notched trowel in thickness of 3 mm.

Unistone Polyfix is first diluted with water in the ratio of 1:1. Use 1 part diluted Polyfix with 3 parts of 1:1 cement : sand mortar. Coverage is 20-25 sq. ft./kg in this case.

In 5 kg & 20 kg HDPE cans.

Store in a cool, dry place.

Method Of use

Unistone ultimate & Vitro Tile Adhesive

Surface Preparation

Remove all dust, oil & loose matter from surface


Take water in a bucket & add Unistone tile adhesive into it, stirring vigorously ratio is approx.1:3 (by weight)
Allow the adhesive mortar to stand for 5 minutes before use
Stir the mixture again
Apply the mortar with flat side of notched trowel
Comb the surface with notched side of trowel
Place the tile while mortar is still wet & tacky
Clean the surface of surplus mortar as work progress. Allow 36 to 48 hours for the adhesive to set before using it for traffic

UNISTONE polyfix liquid polymer adhesive - Exterior application


Remove all dust, oil & loose matter from surface
Add 1 part of Unistone Polyfix to 3 parts of neat cement or 3 parts of cement-sand mixture
Stir the mortar vigorously till a workable paste is formed
Allow the paste to stand for 5 minutes
The adhesive-paste is ready to be used for fixing the tiles
Fix the tile with the prepared adhesive paste as per method of use for Unistone Ultimate & Vitro Tile Adhesive

PS: For Interior Application: First dilute Unistone Polyfix with water in a ratio of 1:1. Rest of the procedure is the same as in exterior application.

product specification







Tensile adhesion strength
28 days standard curing

> 2.5

> 0.5

> 2.0

Minimum requirement:
>0.5 N/mm² as per EN 1348
Additional requirement:
>1.0 N/mm² as per EN 1348
(Class C2)

Water immersion: 7 days s.c. +
21 days in water

> 2.5

> 0.5

> 2.0

Open time

> 20 min

> 20 min

> 20 min

>20 minutes as per EN 1346

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